Connection, Community, Support, Growth

About Us

About the Tribe

The Creation:

In 2022, David experienced what he felt was a calling to support and empower men.  The insight came to him early one morning as he was walking up a beautiful hill before sunset, in Scotland. 

Paul and David had recently connected through social media and had been sharing their experiences of life as men, working in the corporate world and their own mental health challenges.


Following David's insight, he shared his calling with Paul and they decided to set up Claymore TCT (Transformational Coaching & Therapy).  The vision for the membership grew out of their collaboration and 2024 saw the launch of our membership community. 

Paul and David are both passionate about men finding and developing freedom, whatever that is for them.  In the journey to freedom, you allow yourself to be open to new possibilities and opportunities. 

What would life be like for you if you were a better father, partner, boss, employee?

Come join us in the tribe and take the steps to become THE MAN YOU WERE BORN TO BE.

About Our Founders

David Alison

I'm an Intuitive Coach, Guide, and Thinking Partner who works with High Performing Business Owners and leaders to support them in taking their life & business to new levels of service, results and fulfilment.

After a 38-year corporate career and 10 years of challenges with my mental health and burnout, I made the decision to make a complete career change in 2016 and become a Transformational coach.

After becoming a Certified Coach in 2017, I started my own Coaching & Therapy Business taking further training in NLP, Hypnotherapy, and Mental Health First Aid.

I have completed over 4300 sessions with clients worldwide.

Paul McNeill

I am a Spiritual Life Coach, Energy Healer & Pellowah Practitioner, Mental Health First Aider/Facilitator, and part-time Financial Services Senior Consultant.

My life purpose after a long journey in the Corporate sector is to help, support, and heal as many people as I can, encouraging them, to become the best versions of themselves and achieve more of what they want with this life.

I serve my clients powerfully using the knowledge I've accumulated through my life experiences,  alongside the new skills attained through various life coaching and other life & healing modality training.

As a coach, I can help you discover what your own "best self" might be.

Live life each day as though it was your last with no regrets.

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